Home » Skin Blog » Skin Care » How to Choose and Use Moisturizers During Dry Season

Dry weather can cause serious dehydration in the skin, leading to cracking, itching, and peeling. This is a problem that can be addressed by increasing skin hydration to keep it moisturized. With so many moisturizing products available, it can be difficult for consumers to know what to choose. Are there any other lifestyle tips besides using moisturizing products?

Consumers often have the misconception that the more expensive a product is, the better it will be. However, the ability to moisturize is determined by the ingredients, so it’s best to read the ingredients list before making a purchase. But with each product containing ten or more chemical names, consumers often don’t know where to start. So, let me introduce a few effective and commonly used ingredients.

The first ingredient is ceramides – which help the skin retain moisture and soothe dry skin. Synthetic ceramides can mimic the natural substances found in the epidermis of the skin and help maintain surface moisture.

The second ingredient is dimethicone and glycerin, which help absorb moisture from the air and retain it on the skin.

The third ingredient is hyaluronic acid, which has the ability to adsorb moisture and maintain water content between cells.

The fourth ingredient is lanolin, mineral oil, and petroleum jelly, which have the function of locking in moisture and preventing water loss from the epidermis.

In addition to ingredients, the concentration of the ingredients can also directly affect the effectiveness of the product. Unfortunately, most skincare products do not provide detailed information on the concentration of their active ingredients. Therefore, consumers may need to personally test the products to determine their quality.

In addition to using moisturizing products, it is important to drink enough water, at least eight glasses per day. When bathing, it is best to use a showerhead and limit shower time to a maximum of ten minutes. Do not use strong shower gels, as this can cause natural oils in the skin to be lost. After bathing, pat the skin dry with a towel and then apply moisturizer to lock in moisture. If the weather is particularly dry, consider using a humidifier at home to maintain appropriate humidity.

Improving skin hydration can make the skin more radiant, reduce fine lines, and wrinkles. If you’re still unsure, or if your skin is experiencing redness, peeling, itching, or other symptoms, consult your doctor!