Home » Skin Blog » Medical Cosmetic Treatment » Enhancing the Prejowl Area with Belkyra

The importance of facial aesthetics in social perception cannot be understated. The defining contours of a youthful face, particularly a distinct mandibular outline without jowls, are highly prized. Aging alters this coveted facial profile as jowls develop. Traditionally, the excess fat contributing to jowls was primarily managed through surgical liposuction. However, the recent introdiuction of Belkyra (deoxycholic acid injection) offers a less invasive alternative for jowl fat reduction.

Attractiveness, closely associated with facial features, plays a significant role in individual self-esteem and societal engagement. As people age, the changes in the appearance of their chin, neck, and jawline can lead to dissatisfaction and a drive to retain youthful features.

In terms of aesthetics, a well-defined, squared jawline is often associated with male attractiveness, while an oval facial shape signifies youthfulness in females. The descent of jowl fat, a common aging sign, alters the face shape to a squarer appearance and diminishes jawline definition. Hence, jowl contouring has become a crucial part of facial rejuvenation procedures. Despite the limitations of traditional methods like liposuction, injectable adipocytolysis using Belkyra offers a minimally invasive alternative to reduce excess jowl fat.


The Belkyra treatment involves multiple injections administered under the chin area during each session. The injection process typically takes about 15 to 20 minutes. The number of injections required depends on the extent of jowl fat, assisting in achieving the desired facial profile.


A common concern among individuals is the number of treatment sessions needed to attain the desired results. The frequency of sessions differs considerably among patients, depending on the volume and distribution of prejowl fat. It’s generally recommended to have at least two injections separated by one month and reassess one month after the second injection.


Post-treatment, patients may experience bruising, swelling, inflammation, pain, redness, and temporary numbness at the injection site. Less common complications include nerve injury, skin ulceration, hair loss, and smile asymmetry.

Most patients can resume regular activities immediately following the procedure. Your doctor may advise using an ice pack to reduce swelling. Aside from this, there are no specific recovery requirements.


Belkyra is typically considered a safe treatment. However, occasionally it can result in temporary nerve damage, causing an asymmetrical smile or mouth corner drooling. It is essential to note that the FDA only approves Belkyra for use underneath the chin, and its use in other areas is considered off-label. The price for Belkyra depends on the number of bottles you have to use.


While Belkyra offers an effective solution, it must be carefully administered due to potential risks to vital anatomical structures like the marginal mandibular nerve. It is important for you to consult with your doctor first before having the treatment.