Home » Skin Blog » Skin Knowledge and Problems » Complete Guide to Acne Care: How to Properly Handle Acne?

Acne is a concern for many people during adolescence or adulthood, whether it appears on the face, forehead, or even on the nose. These small blemishes can often be bewildering. Today, let’s talk about how to properly handle and cleanse acne, so you can achieve healthier skin.

First, it’s essential to understand the different types of acne. Closed comedones typically appear on the forehead and cheeks, and this type should not be squeezed carelessly. Pustular acne may emerge if one neglects their sleep; it appears small but can be quite troublesome. As for cystic acne, it is a nightmarish existence—swollen and without a clear head, causing great discomfort. All of these fall under the category of “pus,” and from a medical perspective, they all require proper handling.

At this point, you might wonder why doctors always remind us not to squeeze acne. The reason is that the vast majority of patients often clean their acne incorrectly, leading to more problems. The correct method of cleansing is crucial.

First and foremost, never squeeze with your hands! Doing so not only damages the dermis but can also leave permanent scars. Using your hands typically fails to clear out the pus inside and can actually worsen the situation. The proper way is to use clean tools, such as an extractor, ensuring that the tool has been disinfected with alcohol. If you cannot seek medical assistance promptly, be sure to keep the tool clean.

Closed comedones often cannot be cleaned on their own; at this point, you may need to seek help from a beautician or nurse. For small pustules, while they may tempt you to squeeze, this action often leads to increased inflammation or even recurrence of swelling. If you must handle them yourself, you need to use a professional needle to gently puncture and drain the pus inside. Attempting to squeeze at home often results in skin tearing, leading to pigmentation, with potentially dire consequences.

As for cystic acne, this condition cannot be handled by non-professionals, as it may be deeply embedded in the skin. Even if you want to squeeze it, you won’t achieve results, and it may further damage the skin. This type of acne usually requires professional treatment from a doctor, including antibiotics and injections, to quickly reduce inflammation.

So, how should you care for comedones and acne? The first step is to keep your face clean and avoid using unclean hands to touch your face. For blackheads or whiteheads on the nose, in most cases, they are just regular comedones, so do not mistakenly think they are closed comedones. The appropriate care method is to use fruit acids or retinoids to improve skin condition, rather than relying solely on squeezing.

In summary, acne care requires caution and the right methods. I hope today’s insights will assist you in making progress with your acne issues and maintain healthy, beautiful skin.