Home » Skin Blog » Skin Care » Winter Skincare Tips for Healthy and Hydrated Skin

Winter in Hong Kong may not be too dry or too cold, but it still poses a major challenge for the skin. Skin problems during winter are primarily caused by dryness.

Cold weather causes a decrease in the skin’s oil production, resulting in a decrease in acne problems but leading to dry and itchy skin. In addition, some people choose to use heating indoors to keep warm, which increases the temperature but reduces humidity. This means that the indoor air becomes drier. Many people have healthy skin during spring and summer, but once winter comes, their entire body starts to itch, especially when trying to sleep at night, which makes it difficult to fall asleep. Skin conditions such as atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, and skin dehydration are common during this season.

Winter skin requires special care, and attention should be paid to the ingredients of moisturizing products. Generally speaking, the effectiveness of moisturizing products is not proportional to their price. You can choose moisturizing products that contain “water-locking” ingredients and are oily, such as petrolatum, mineral oil, and grape seed oil, which can lock in the water inside skin cells. Of course, ointments or balms can also be used instead of lotion because they have better water retention. In addition to facial moisturizing, the rest of the body also requires care. Hand care is particularly important because the sebum secretion in the hands is lower than in other parts of the body, which can cause itching and cracking in dry weather. If there is heating at home, it is best to use a humidifier to prevent the indoor air from becoming too dry. Also, drink enough water every day and reduce drinking alcohol, tea, and coffee to prevent water loss. When taking a shower, avoid using water that is too hot or taking showers for too long, as this can cause the loss of oil on the skin, which loses its protective function. After showering, apply moisturizer to reduce the evaporation of water from the skin.

In addition to moisturizing, sunscreen is also essential, and do not assume that sunscreen is unnecessary during winter. Remember, skin aging is cumulative, and UV radiation is the biggest culprit. The UV index is lower in winter, but this does not mean that sunscreen is not needed. Especially when skiing outdoors during winter, the UV radiation reflected from the snow is very strong, which can trigger skin pigmentation. So, do not forget to apply sunscreen every three to four hours.

Winter has holidays such as Christmas and New Year’s Day, and it is also the peak season for medical cosmetology. Moisturizing therapy, tightening and lifting, minimally invasive surgery, and rejuvenation treatments can make women look radiant and rejuvenated. While enjoying the winter festivals and delicacies, remember to take good care of your skin!