Home » Skin Blog » Skin Care » Common Skin Problems during Postpartum (1)

During pregnancy, there are noticeable changes in both the body and skin. While the body can slowly recover through various diets and exercise after pregnancy, skin problems may require medical cosmetic treatments to improve. Mothers, of course, want to quickly restore their skin to its pre-pregnancy state. Below are common skin problems and treatment methods.

  1. Pigmentation During pregnancy, hormone spots, freckles, and other pigmentation issues may deepen and increase significantly due to hormone influence, which is a nightmare for women. However, because it is not suitable to undergo whitening treatment during pregnancy, it must be postponed until after delivery. After delivery, as hormones return to normal, hormone spots and freckles will fade. Some more stubborn pigmentation can be treated with laser spot removal, fruit acid whitening, or whitening and exfoliating skincare products to restore the skin’s brightness and radiance.
  2. Skin Tags Skin tags may appear during pregnancy and are generally found in areas such as the armpits, groin, neck, etc. The characteristic of skin tags is that they are attached to the skin surface through a thin stalk-like tissue and once they appear, they will not disappear. The number of skin tags can be numerous, but they are generally small in size. However, if left untreated, they can grow to be one to several centimeters. Skin tags are benign and will not turn into cancer, but if there are many or they become larger, they can affect one’s appearance. They can generally be removed using methods such as carbon dioxide laser, electrocautery, or liquid nitrogen.
  3. Cherry Angiomas During pregnancy, bright red skin papules (also known as hemangiomas) may appear. These hemangiomas are called “cherry angiomas” and are caused by hormonal changes during pregnancy that stimulate the skin. They are generally more common on the body and often seen on the hands, feet, or face. In fact, many people will develop these hemangiomas as they age. Their diameter ranges from 1 to 5 millimeters, and they protrude in a hemispherical shape. They usually do not disappear once formed, but they are not painful or itchy and only affect one’s appearance. Although cherry angiomas do not affect health, if they appear in large numbers, they can be removed by carbon dioxide laser, freezing, or electrocautery.

To be continued.