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In today’s beauty industry, anti-aging has become a hot topic. What can effectively rescue us from the crisis of wrinkles? Interestingly, the research focused on DNA repair by the 2015 Nobel Prize winner made me think about the importance of anti-aging, especially from a scientific perspective on how the human body self-repairs.

The human body possesses the ability to repair its DNA. For example, when we are exposed to sunlight, our DNA gets damaged, but the good news is that usually within 24 hours, the body can repair up to 50% of these damages, thanks to some DNA repair enzymes present in our system. However, activities like sun exposure, everyday breathing, and even being in an environment polluted by PM2.5 can cause varying degrees of damage to our DNA.

Specifically, DNA damage is often related to sun exposure. Even if you don’t get sunburned, intense UV radiation can still trigger an inflammatory response in the skin. When the skin is exposed to light, it produces some pro-inflammatory factors, such as Interleukin-1 and TNF-Alpha, which act like horns, warning nearby immune cells to attack the surrounding tissues, leading to ongoing inflammation. Some specific factors in these inflammatory responses can generate collagenase, which damages our collagen, and even more frighteningly, elastase, which affects the normal functioning of elastin. As the supportive substances of the skin gradually diminish, wrinkles and fine lines around the eyes quietly emerge.

Furthermore, inflammation can lead to abnormal changes in melanin. For instance, young children typically do not develop dark spots on their skin, but as they age, people in their thirties and forties may gradually develop these spots. This is mainly due to melanin cells beginning to release pigments irregularly, and the root cause of all this is related to the DNA damage caused by the inflammatory response.

Overall, these DNA repair enzymes can effectively neutralize these inflammatory responses within minutes, hours, or even a day. Consistently using products containing DNA repair enzymes can often make the skin appear younger, as the DNA damage sustained will be significantly reduced.

The sooner inflammation is eliminated, the less the excessive reaction of melanin cells will occur. Therefore, an ideal DNA repair product should demonstrate short-term, medium-term, and long-term restorative effects. In addition, DNA repair enzymes need to be combined with other skincare products, especially sunscreen. Many people do not apply enough sunscreen or fail to reapply it in a timely manner, making the skin vulnerable to UV damage. Thus, in the morning, after washing your face, you can prioritize using these repair products before applying sunscreen; similarly, it is essential to continue using these products at night, as this is the golden period for the skin’s self-repair. Regardless of age, it is never too late to start repairing your skin. Through these effective measures, you can improve your skin’s condition.